
Member of Technical Staff

About Tezi

Tezi is building an Autonomous AI trained by top hiring managers and recruiters to lead the end-to-end recruiting process. Our AI proactively sources candidates, screens applicants, schedules interviews, collects scorecards, and never drops the ball. We believe in saving the uniquely human work (selling, evaluating, and closing) for the humans and leveraging AI for the rest.

To learn more about our journey and recent launch, check out our launch blog post, launch video, and TechCrunch article. We are very well funded and have a long waitlist of customers eager to use the product!

How we work

About the role

As a member of technical staff at Tezi, you’ll join a small team of top-notch engineers that build the Tezi product and tech stack. We like to operate lean, so we hire senior, self-sufficient engineers (staff level and above only) who can each own and deliver a big chunk of the product experience or underlying AI, software, or data technology that makes Tezi work. You’ll not only write code but also participate in thinking about the product’s design, interact with customers, and project manage your own work.

Our system uses agentic AI technology powered by dozens of specialized agents, each trained to do one recruiting task very well, seamlessly orchestrated to deliver the experience of interacting with one AI recruiter. Surrounding the AI agents is a lot of software that makes the end-to-end system work and delivers a thoughtfully designed experience for our users (employers and candidates). We use Python for backend and React/TypeScript for frontend. The tech stack is all hosted on a public cloud.


Nice to have

What we offer

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